Why Everybody Loves Magnesium4Muscles
Releases Muscle Tightness – Reduces Muscle Fatigue – Eliminates Muscle Cramping – Speeds Muscle Recovery – Restores Leading-Edge Athletic Performance
Purchase Magnesium4Muscles Online
Complete Package
$40.00Enjoy the benefits of the topical application of Magnesium4Muscles (combo package) with the all-new Magnesium Immersion – Therapeutic Premium Bath Minerals
Team Ready
$40.00Magnesium4Muscles in a 20-ounce trigger sprayer. Great for the athlete, trainer, team coach or anyone that wants more coverage of this amazing topical supplement.
Five Bag Therapeutic Bath Mineral Blend
$85.00Enjoy 15 lbs of the best bath minerals on the market.
Coach’s Choice
$100.00Enjoy the magnificent Magnesium4Muscles in this bulk purchase. You’ll get a 78 oz jug with a pump along with a 20 oz trigger sprayer full of Magnesium4Muscles. A total of 98 oz of spray – 5x the purchase of the 20oz bottle alone for less than 3x the purchase price.
12 Count Box Combo Units
$132.00Offering the ability to retail this amazing spray from your countertop and this purchase includes the retail display box!